Check out our Facebook post from 05/14/20 03:54PM

*Missionary Minute*

3 Evil Threats:
Threat of War
Threat of a Flood of Incoming Refugees
Threat of Virus

Yet still, God works!

George and Luisa, our missionaries in Greece, have been in a war-threatened state of affairs. The Turkish army was forcing refugees into Greece, breaking wire fences and setting fires. Our missionaries began to wonder what to do if a war breaks out. When 10,000 Islamic worshippers came back from Mecca infected with Coronavirus, the Turkish army and refugees retrieved.

Like much of the world, Greece went on lockdown. They were only permitted to leave to go to the grocery store, pharmacy, and bank while using time-stamped permits. George and Luisa had been ministering to over 200 refugees multiple nights a week Voice of Truth. Eventually, they started to check temperatures at the door and required hand sanitizing. Then, their neighborhood declared them a threat to the community so the ministry simply passed out meals at the door. The next week, they had to deliver them. And then, inevitably, all gatherings were told to shut down. Thankfully, they have had an online ministry presence for years so the preaching and teaching continue, although now from their home.

Right before Greece was shut down, 108 former Muslims came to Christ and started their new Christian life! Praise God! And during the quarantine, despite social distancing, 6 more people have been led to the Lord via Skype! People are sharing the online sermon link with their friends – including ones that would never have stepped foot into a physical church, and it’s working! George says, “Whereas people were scared of closing the doors of the church, God used it to take the gospel outside of the four walls and beam it to the 4 corners of the world.”

George and Luisa ask for prayers for Greece’s economy. Greece was just getting on its feet economically when the world changed, and now much hardship will occur. Pray for them as they care for the physical (food and shelter) and spiritual needs of the people in their community.

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Categories Blog, facebook | Tags: | Posted on May 14, 2020

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