Check out our Facebook post from 04/29/20 02:58PM

A Coronavirus Update from Zambia….

Our missionaries in Zambia, Patrick and Sherry Coleman, are currently working with the Rotary Club and local community to share awareness about coronavirus. Testing has been an issue there as the nearest testing site is over 200 miles away! Churches are limited to meeting for just 1 hour and limited to 50 people in attendance. Just like here in the states, much is closed (schools, gyms, theaters, etc), however, the people have not been taking the threat seriously. Restaurants are supposed to be take-out only, but they are not adhering to that guideline. Patrick tells us that the people say, “Politicians say there is a threat, politicians are not limiting their activities, politicians always lie.”

Resources are scarce in their town, and stores are hiking the prices incredibly. “Profiteering is the game of the day.” In their Zambian town, food shortages are occurring and fuel prices are increasing. Taxes are also increasing because the country is borrowing to pay loans.

Patrick and Sherry have no electricity from 6pm-7am each night. The main power station cannot produce enough electricity because the water level at the dam is too low. They use a gas generator a few hours each night, though we imagine this may get costly as their fuel prices increase!

In his letter, Patrick shared, “The American Embassy encouraged us to return to the USA, but we know that we can do more here than watching from quarantine in the USA. Besides, the Zambians have already said that those leaving are “abandoning” them. So…we are here!”

Please pray for Patrick and Sherry as they help and care for the Zambians in their town. Also, Sherry’s sister and a friend of theirs (both in the states) have Covid-19.

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Categories Blog, facebook | Tags: | Posted on April 29, 2020

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