Come join us, January 31st from opening to close at Menchie’s on Lake Mary Blvd by Tijuana Flats. They are donating 15% of your bill to Liberty Christian School.
January 30, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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January 25, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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January 20, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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Another one of our dear friends has been promoted to Heaven. Barbara Mason passed away this morning at 7:30am. Please pray for her family.
January 9, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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Come join us from 5pm to 9pm. We will be handing out FREE iced tea, animal balloons and most importantly church invite cards. Together we are reaching our community for Christ.
January 6, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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Join us for the launch of a new men’s bible study. We want to equip ourselves with the strength and tools to overcome life’s battles. This study emphasizes three key elements today’s men deal with often. Join us from 7:00-8:30pm Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall.
January 5, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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That’s right, “pastorism.”
Here are a collection of the most quotable moments from last Sunday.
Key Thoughts from Sunday Morning
“Deciding where you work out isn’t about working out, but spreading the gospel.”
“There are people who look spiritually strong on the outside, but they weren’t. The goal is to be spiritually strong on the inside.”
“My prayer is that you be strong in the Lord.”
“We have no protection on our back, because we are to be charging not retreating.”
“Until the pain to remain the same, exceeds the pain to change, people will tend to remain the same. Are you ready to exercise your spiritual disciplines?”
“God has a plan for your life. So does Satan”
“Who has you wrapped around their little finger? Show me your date book and check book and the answer will be clear.”
“I pray you have a deep root system. Pillars last, furniture doesn’t. Do you want to be a pillar or a piece of furniture?”
“Decide to be a pillar in the church.”
“Saturate yourself with God. Be like a chocolate covered pretzel where you can hardly tell what’s under all that chocolate.”
“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you.” – Jesus
“Meekness is strength under control.”
January 3, 2014 in Blog, Sunday Talks by PABC
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Rev up your pine engines, and get ready to start the race. Grand Prix car kits are available for purchase beginning Wednesday in the Family Life Center for $5. Clubbers have the choice of picking their race car number 00-99 (availability is based on first come first serve basis)
January 1, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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January 1, 2014 in facebook by PABC
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