As we learn more about the disaster that has swept across Oklahoma, our hearts are filled with compassion, and we know that many of you are wondering how we can help.
Here is what you can do . . .
Please join with us in praying for every family that has been impacted by the storm. Pray also for those who are helping on site with relief efforts, and pray for favorable weather conditions while the recovery and relief efforts continue.
Click the donate button to give online now! We are prepared to send financial resources directly to a local church in Oklahoma that will be able to wisely utilize the funds in the areas of greatest need.
(On the giving page, please be sure to designate your giving for the DISASTER RELIEF effort)

May 21, 2013 in Blog, Disaster Relief by PABC
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Tomorrow is our last LCS Spirit Night of this school year. Join us for dinner from 5pm-8pm. 25% of all money spent comes back to LCS!
May 20, 2013 in facebook by PABC
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In case you missed the Mother’s Day Tribute featuring the smiling faces of the kids from our church, here it is… Happy Mother’s Day (again)!
May 14, 2013 in facebook by PABC
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Congratulations go out to the Jordan family at the birth of their 3rd son, Joshua, born May 5 @ 10:35pm, weighing 7lbs 8oz & measuring 20in!
May 6, 2013 in facebook by PABC
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Tomorrow is the Nat’l Day of Prayer. Please set aside some dedicated time tomorrow to pray for our country, our community & our church.
May 1, 2013 in facebook by PABC
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