ARCHIVE April, 2013
PRAYER: Please pray for the Lopez family….
In case you haven’t heard, the build…
Belize Missions Trip Update
A Safe Arrival in Belize
Our team has safely arrived! After a bus ride from the church in Sanford, minimal wait times at the airports in Orlando and Miami, two plane rides, a customs check, and an “interesting” van ride to Belmopan, Belize (they’ll have to explain this on testimony night), our team has arrived. It was smooth traveling, and everyone’s baggage arrived, too.
The Work Goes On
As you can see from the picture gallery below, the work is in progress. Our team is putting on the roof of the church building. We previously paid for the block walls and had them laid so that they would be set and ready for our arrival. We’re also putting in a bathroom for the church. While to us it may simply look like an out house, to the people of the community it may be the nicest bathroom around. On the worksite, everyone has found a job, and they’re excitedly working. The conditions are rough with temperatures up near 100 degrees, but we are pleased to know that our work matters. The name and fame of the Lord will be increased because of this church building, and more Belzeans will come to know the Lord because of it. We are blessed to be partners with our fellow believers in Belize!
Keep Praying
Things are going smoothly right now, but the team would greatly appreciate your prayers. Please keep praying for the safety and success of the trip.
A Picture Gallery
Here are a few pictures that we’ve received so far from Belize:
- Team Picture Before Departure
- Techy Ladies
- At the Airport. Ready to Board!
- On the Airplane. Let’s go!
- Dinner at Pasquele’s Pizza
- Church Building on Arrival
- Arriving at the Worksite
- Preparing the Church Entrance & Grounds
- Eric on the Roof
- Trusses of the New Church
- Digging the Bathroom
- Ladies on Ladders
- Cleaning Up the Work Site
- Megan & The Belizean Frog
- Sharing a Meal at the Hotel with the Missionary
- Watermellon Juice is Delicious!
- Bill Simpson Preaching at Bullet Tree Falls Baptist Church
- Belizean Sunset
- Belize View
Here’s an update from missions team…
Thanks for praying for our team. Keep it up!
And, in case you were wondering about their hotel accommodations, here’s a picture of the Yim Saan Hotel in Belmopan, Belize.